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Jalesh Thoudam celebrates win with 32 others in chess tournament

The 5th Khuraijam Ramnarayan Shastree Memorial State Level Open Chess Tournament 2022 was held the aegis of Manipur Chess Association at premises of Juvenile Club, Tera Sapam Leirak.

ByIFP Sports Correspondent

Updated 4 Jul 2022, 6:39 am

(Image: Hasan-Pasha_Unsplash)
(Image: Hasan-Pasha_Unsplash)

Jalesh Thoudam enjoyed the opening wins along with thirty two players in the 5th Khuraijam Ramnarayan Shastree Memorial State Level Open Chess Tournament 2022 held the aegis of Manipur Chess Association at premises of Juvenile Club, Tera Sapam Leirak.

The inaugural match saw Jalesh get the better of unseeded player Y Bonney in a comfortable move to pick up his first point in the tournament.

The other players who registered their wins in the first round, collecting 1 points, are L Lalgopal Sharma, Y Dhanabir Singh, Kh Sanjoy Singh, S Premjit, Th Sunachand, Rk Bhogen, K Kunjabihari Meitei, K Poireikhomba Meitei, O Ningthem, N Herojit, E Shashikanta, S Lawrence, H Ibochou, M Rana Meetei, N Dhaneshwor, Rk Sudhirsana, M Sanjit, GA Aerosmith, N Pari, N Brojen, Ngakuimi Kasar, M Modhusudon, Ronald Soibam, Ph Rajen, S Priyokumar, Rocky, S Herojit, S Indrajit, L Nelson, Dayananda Thoudam, N Tokyo and Y Rishang Meitei.

Altogether 66 players including 32 rated players are participating in the tournament, which is sponsored by Kh Ramnarayan Shastree Memorial Trust organised by Juvenile Club, Tera Sapam Leirak under the aegis of MCA.  

Wangoi legislator Kh Loken Singh along with S Rahul Singh, Zila Parishad, Changabgei, A Bishorjit Singh, Pradhan, Sapam Leirak Gram Panchayat and others attended the opening function.





First published:


Khuraijam Ramnarayan Shastree Memorial State Level Open Chess TournamentManipur ChessJalesh Thoudam

IFP Sports Correspondent

IFP Sports Correspondent

Sports Bureau, Imphal, Manipur


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