Took by surprise on May 3
Awakened from deep slumber
By the sounds of gunfire
The heat of burning homes
As people fled their homes
Fear gripping their minds
Mothers and fathers missing
Sons and daughters scattered
In the din of hatred.
Yet, some knew it’s coming
War is coming, hell descending
Then came the battle cries
As if responding to a call
From the ramparts
Ringing in the ears
Hundreds of youth came
Armed with sickles and sticks
Baring chests, ready to die.
Along came the Piper
Promising a Valhalla
To a people starved
Of identity and cause
A racial pride sacrificed
At the altar of integrity
Waiting to emerge
A powder-keg waiting
For someone to ignite.
Young men in prime
Leaving their jobs, books
Dreams and aspirations
Came rushing in gushes
To the call of duty
To guard and reclaim
A pristine land
Of hills, valley and rivers
Devastated by greed.
Back from the front
Yet, restless and listless
A collective trauma
Deprived of motion
Yet, haunted by images
Stench bathed in dreams
Seeking release in motion
Without direction and purpose
And betrayed of promises.