
PM Modi’s silence indicates Union government’s perception of Manipur: MPP

The Manipur People’s Party (MPP) accused the BJP government of practising ‘divide and rule’ policy and denying a suitable solution to the crisis.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 24 Jun 2023, 3:32 am

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Manipur People’s Party (MPP) on Friday accused the BJP government of dragging the communal conflict in the state by instigating a divide between the two warring communities and denying a suitable solution to the crisis. 

A release issued by MPP general secretary Paonam Khaba alleged that the silence and negligence of the PM Modi-led BJP government towards the crisis indicates the Indian government’s inconsideration and partiality towards Manipur.

“It is disheartening that the union government is painting the present crisis of Chin-Zo-Kuki militants and external aggressions threatening the integrity of Manipur, as a communal conflict between the Meitei and Kuki. What are the motives behind the calling of separate meetings for the MLAs of different communities?” it read. 

It accused the BJP government of practising the ‘divide and rule’ policy of the British Colonial empire and stated that Union Home Minister Amit Shah had failed to deliver the resolution which he had assured to deliver in 15 days after he left Imphal.


“The Kuki militants are working with the intent to build a ‘mini-Israel’ or a ‘Chin-Zo-Kuki Nation’ which would ultimately threaten the integrity of the entire country in the years to come. Their demand for a separate administration is just the beginning,” it stated. 

It continued that safeguarding and protecting the territorial integrity and dignity of the state is the sole duty of the political leaders of the state. What is the use of camping at Delhi appealing for the attention of the leaders who have turned their backs on the state, it questioned. It is high time we all unite and work together to build a concrete solution to not only bring peace and normalcy but to strengthen the governance, administration and integrity of the state for long, it mentioned. 

The first step should be to facilitate the rehabilitation of the displaced victims by rebuilding their destroyed homes and providing suitable security measures, it added.



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First published:


meiteiskukismanipur violencemodi silence

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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