
PM Modi coming to Manipur with a solution, says BJP incharge

Although the exact date of the visit is not confirmed, BJP Manipur (in-charge) Ajeet Gopchade said PM Modi will come to the state once a solution is in place.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 11 Jul 2024, 2:49 am


Prime Minister Modi will not come to Manipur empty handed, he will soon come to Manipur with a solution to the ongoing crisis. He is the only one who can bring the solution, BJP Manipur (in-charge) Ajeet Gopchade said on Tuesday.

Although the exact date of the visit is not confirmed, Gopchade stated that PM Modi will come to the state once a solution is in place.


Ajeet Gopchade, who is also a Rajya Sabha MP, arrived in the state on Tuesday morning, made this remark to the media during a visit to a relief camp at Khuyathong in Imphal, where he interacted with the inmates and assured them of the BJP’s commitment to their welfare.

He attributed the ongoing crisis in Manipur to the state government’s efforts to control drug influx and combat drug mafias.

The BJP leader expressed empathy for the affected individuals who have been suffering for the past 14 months and reassured that the party is working diligently to find a solution.


Additionally, Gopchade emphasised that the BJP government seeks peace, prosperity, and development in the state, unlike the Congress party, which he accused of wanting to divide and create tension.

He also announced plans to visit many relief camps and meet internally displaced people to understand their plight. For the Khuyathong relief camp, he promised to offer clothing items for the children and sewing machines for the skilled adults.

Accompanied by MLA Kh Joykishan of Thangmeiband AC, Gopchade’s visit to the relief camp aimed to boost the morale of the affected people and reassure them of the BJP’s commitment to their well-being.


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manipur crisisAjeet Gopchademodi manipur visitbjp manipur incharge

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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