
Flash flood renders IDPs in Manipur homeless yet again

Around 40 families were affected by the flood, which occurred early Wednesday.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 7 Aug 2024, 4:24 pm

(Photo: IFP)
(Photo: IFP)


In a tragic turn of events, a flash flood has rendered internally displaced persons (IDPs) staying in prefabricated houses at the District Sericulture Office in Kwakta, Manipur homeless yet again.

Around 34 houses were inundated while 40 families were affected by the flash flood, which occurred early Wednesday. Reports indicate that the flood, triggered by heavy rainfall, caused significant damage to the boundary wall of the Sericulture Office due to the excessive water.

Rainfall data received from Meteorological Centre Imphal said, Bishnupur received 111.2 mm rainfall on 12 hours preceding August 6 and 35.4 mm during 12 hours preceding August 7.

IDPs reported that while waterlogging was common during heavy rains, this level of flooding was unprecedented. The area they were staying in is low-lying, making it particularly vulnerable. The water level reached approximately four feet, submerging most of their belongings, including clothes, sleeping mattresses, rice, and grains. Unprepared for such an event, the flood caused extensive damage, as one IDP shared with the Imphal Free Press.

Authorities and local good Samaritans promptly arrived at the scene, helping to move most of the belongings to higher ground.

Till the filing of this report, it was unclear what long-term measures would be taken for the affected families. However, authorities assured the IDPs that the approximately 30-foot damaged boundary wall would be repaired promptly to prevent future incidents.

As per sources, the water level from the Moirang River rose to approximately 5 feet, causing wide damage to about 35 feet of the brick wall boundary. The floodwaters overflowed and submerged the prefabricated houses around 5:30 am on Wednesday and submerged 30 prefabricated houses and 4 quarters of sericulture.

It is learnt that the prefabricated houses were situated 10 feet below ground level. The families were swiftly shifted to a common kitchen area.

Moirang MLA Thongam Shanti visited the site around 9 am and instructed the Executive Engineer (EE) to repair the damaged walls as soon as possible. MLA also urged the family to submit an estimate of the damage. He also left his Public Relations Officer (PRO) at the site. Sources said the water level has since reduced.

Experts said, the hills behind Kwakta are primarily settled by Kukis and most of the hillsides are without forest cover due to pineapple cultivation by the people settled there. Even the original vegetation growth like Tumnou grass that holds the soil firmly has been left bare.



First published:


flash floodinternally displaced personsidpsManipur flood

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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