
E-marketing for Imphal women artisans

E-Nupikeithel’s will empower women artisans from various tribes of Manipur who practice one of the eight ethnic dying crafts to preserve their dying crafts and heritage and sustain their livelihood by educating them on digital and e-commerce literacy, US State Department’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund winner Soibam Luxmibai Devi said.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 7 Jul 2024, 4:03 am


E-Nupikeithel’s workshop for women artisans of Manipur on digital and e-commerce marketing, product quality and sustainability began at the Hotel Daani Continental, Thangmeiband in Imphal on Saturday.

The workshop, inaugurated on Saturday, will end on July 26.

The workshop is organised with an aim to empower the economy of indigenous women artisans of Manipur with digital and e-commerce literacy.


Speaking to the media, US State Department’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund winner Soibam Luxmibai Devi said that a series of workshops for four weeks is being held to empower women artisans in digital and e-commerce.

E-Nupikeithel’s will empower women artisans from various tribes of Manipur who practice one of the eight ethnic dying crafts to preserve their dying crafts and heritage and sustain their livelihood by educating them on digital and e-commerce literacy, she said.

She also highlighted that she identified eight ethnic dying crafts, viz. Shaphee Lanphee, Lashingphee, Glossy black pottery of Nungbi, Brick red pottery of Andro, Red ochre pottery of Nongpok Sekmai, Redware pottery of Chairel and Thongojao, Greyware pottery of Karong and wood carving of Tangkhul.

She is giving the workshops under a project that was awarded to her under the US State Department’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF), 2022; Integrated Rural Development Service Organisation, Wangjing is the implementation partner of the project, which is supported by AEIF, US Consulate general of Kolkata.


She said that the project will enable women artisans of Manipur to reach beyond the local markets and get a fair price for their product by selling them online.

“By reaching a larger market, they will be able to increase their income and in turn, increase the adoption of craftsmanship and preserve their heritage”, Luxmibai said.

Further, the project will act as a knowledge repository for future artisans to learn the endangered arts by creating video tutorial and interviews, she added.

She is also an alumni of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs.


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E-Nupikeithelwomen artisanse marketing

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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