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ALT GHQ holds 2nd Federal Assembly

Hosted by ALT Western Valley Branch, the federal assembly saw over 100 participants from representatives from all units and village clubs affiliated to the union.

ByChandel Correspondent

Updated 13 Jul 2024, 11:45 pm


The Anal Lenruwl Tangpi - General Headquarter (ALT GHQ) on Saturday held its 2nd Federal Assembly for the tenure 2023-2026 at the Mini Auditorium, Beru Unopat village, Chakpikarong subdivision with main focus on improving the educational system in the district.

Hosted by ALT Western Valley Branch, the federal assembly saw over 100 participants from representatives from all units and village clubs affiliated to the union.


The assembly resolved to continue with its mission of visiting all schools within its jurisdiction - private, aided and government-, meet with heads of institutions and see into the attendance of teachers as well as students.

The assembly also called for unity of all its federating units for the welfare of the Anal Naga community in general and the students in particular. It also resolved to organise a general conference of the union with the executive members given the power and authority to organise the same.

As part of the assembly, Rd Alex of Lamphoupasna, Lh Chand and Bs Warthangam of Panchai villages was inducted as Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Deputy Secretary of the Assembly Affairs with the Speaker later chairing the meet. Sr Antung, Pro-tem speaker, inducted the three.


The assembly began with a blessing prayer by Kl Kanrang, former pastor, Unopat Baptist Church followed by word of welcome and introduction by Js Delecson, president of ALT Western Valley Branch. Kt Zachariah, general secretary, ALT GHQ also highlighted the works and achievements of the union over the past one year.

The event was attended by executive members and representatives of Anal Sinnu Ruwl, ANTA, ANSAM vice president Wilpelngam Nula, NSUC president Ruwnglar Elly Anal and former ATSUM general secretary Sr. Andria besides others who put in their valuable ideas and suggestions to the agendas.


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chandelAnal Lenruwl TangpiALT GHQ

Chandel Correspondent

Chandel Correspondent

Chandel district, Manipur


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