Community joins hands to preserve Nongin

Jessami Hume’s Pheasant sanctuary serves as a haven for numerous endangered mammal and avian species.

ByRicky Angkang

Updated 14 Jul 2024, 4:46 am


In a historic and bold measure initiated at the grassroot level amid unforeseen climate patterns posing a series of threats in the region, the neighbouring villages of Jessami have come together with the sole intent to conserve the endangered state bird of Manipur, Nongin, in addition to banning hunting, deforestation and burning of forests.

The action plans bear significance with the massive decline in forest cover taking a heavy toll on livelihoods and health. Sharp decline in potable drinking water is another outcome of man-made activities on the environment. The community which boasts of rich forest cover is now slowly facing the brunt of natural disaster.

Water stress was a rare scene in Ukhrul district - today, it has become a recurring issue.

It may be mentioned that Jessami Hume’s Pheasant sanctuary serves as a haven for numerous endangered mammal and avian species. Within its boundary visitors can explore elusive creatures such as the clouded leopard, Asiatic black bear, yellow-throated laughing thrush, spot-breasted laughing thrush, among others.

The Community Reserve is located around 15 kms from the town, situated approximately 116 kms north of Ukhrul town and 121 kms east of Kohima. The village is close to the Indo- Myanmar border.

Created in 2022, the Nongin reserve is spearheaded by the Jessami Village Council; its primary objective is to safeguard the diminishing population of the indigenous and exquisite Hume’s pheasant, while simultaneously nurturing its natural habitat.


The noble endeavour aims to foster a profound appreciation for biodiversity-a vital foundation for the sustainable future of the indigenous community.

The decision to reserve Mrs Hume's Pheasant came following  a joint programme organised by Jessami Village Council and Enfogal on June 1, 2024.

Being fully aware that the community has a high diversity of locally endemic species of flora and fauna, all the villages agreed upon to preserve them.

It also resolved that activities such as burning of forests, deforestation, and hunting shall be banned in the community reserve area.

The event brought together villagers from neighbouring villages including three sections of Kharasom, Wahong, Soraphung, and two villages from Manipur’s neighbouring state Nagaland namely Lozaphehu and Lanye to discuss the ecological, cultural, and eco-tourism significance of this near-threatened bird species.

Patrick, project director of Enfogal emphasized the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect Mrs Hume's Pheasant. He pointed out that illegal hunting, deforestation, and climate change are major threats to the species’ survival.

He also highlighted the importance of the Indo-Burma region, which is a global biodiversity hotspot, and stressed that conservation efforts in this region are crucial for preserving the natural heritage of not only Manipur and Nagaland but also for the entire world.

“Indo-Burma is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world . It is home to many endemic species that are found nowhere else in the world. The Mrs Hume's Pheasant is one such species that is unique to this region. Therefore, it is our responsibility to protect it and preserve its habitat for future generations,” Patrick said.


He then proposed strong laws to deter offenders and ensure the protection of the species.

Chingrisoror, field officer from Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), stressed the importance of conservation efforts not only for Mrs Hume's Pheasant but also for other wildlife species, including pangolins. He emphasized the need for a collaborative approach to protect these species and preserve the region’s biodiversity.

The programme concluded with an action plan to stop hunting and protect Mrs Hume's Pheasant. The villagers collectively resolved to protect and follow up on their commitment to ban hunting in their respective villages.

The event was a significant step towards raising awareness about the conservation of this endangered species. The joint effort demonstrates a strong commitment to conserve the state bird of Manipur.

Our mission was to raise awareness about the threats facing this critically endangered species and to work together with local communities to develop strong laws for its protection. We are proud to report that our efforts have been met with enthusiasm and dedication from the nearby villages, Chingrisoror said.

The programme has not only increased awareness about the species’ plight but also fostered a sense of community ownership and responsibility towards conservation. We are grateful for the warm hospitality and support shown by the villagers, he added.

Our next follow-up activity will involve exploring the diverse avifauna at the Jessami Hume’s Pheasant Community Reserve, Chingrisoror said.


First published:


nonginjessamimanipur statebirdmrs humes pheasant

Ricky Angkang

Ricky Angkang

IFP Correspondent, Ukhrul, Manipur


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