
Three BJP MLAs absent in high-level party meeting in Imphal

"There is no political conspiracy among the BJP MLAs and the high-level meeting is just a normal routine which a political party has."

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 22 Apr 2023, 1:54 pm

(Photo: IFP)
(Photo: IFP)

Among the nine MLAs, including one cabinet minister, who did not attend the high-level party meeting of Manipur Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at Nityaipat Chuthek, Imphal on Friday, three MLAs were reportedly absent without submitting any reason.  

The three MLAs are Yumnam Radheshyam Singh of Hiyanglam assembly constituency; Paonam Brojen Singh of Wangjing Tentha assembly constituency and Paolienlal Haokip of Saikot (ST) assembly constituency.

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During an interaction with the media, state BJP president A Sharda Devi said that no complaints were received from a particular MLAs so far. The meeting only discussed the internal matters for the development of the party. 

There is no political conspiracy among the BJP MLAs and the high-level meeting is just a normal routine which a political party has, she added.

She further said that in the BJP-led government, the party is above all. If any BJP MLA is not satisfied, then they should try to resolve it within the party just like solving a household matter before highlighting the internal matter through the media. 


She appealed to the MLAs and Karyakartas (members) of the party to cooperate while organising the 100th ‘Maan Ki Baat’.

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After the meeting, chief minister N Biren Singh told the media that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to address the 100th ‘Maan Ki Baat’, and the state is also organising a mass participation to listen to the 100th ‘Maan Ki Baat’ at Loktak Project. He said that similar programmes will also be organised at each assembly constituency.

Concerning the MLAs absent at the meeting, he said except for the three MLAs, the remaining absentee MLAs and the minister gave clarification for their absence at the meeting. 

He said there is no crisis among the BJP MLAs.

He declined to comment when the media asked his opinion regarding the resignation of three BJP MLAs from their respective chairmanship.

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Meanwhile, in a voice note uploaded on social media MLA, Heirok assembly constituency, Th Radheshyam Singh said no BJP MLAs are camping at Delhi against the Manipur Government. There is no tradition of such camping inside the BJP government and is not allowed in the party.

He said there is no culture of camping against the government within the BJP MLAs.

“I went to Delhi to meet the concerned ministry for a river project which cost around Rs 153 crore along with MLA P Brojen for the development of Heirok and Wangjing Tentha but not for camping against the Manipur government or with the political conspiracy to change the post of present chief minister,” said Radheshyam.

He said some other BJP MLAs also came to Delhi and along with them and they met Union Minister of State DoNER, BL Verma to discuss the present border issue including border fencing, and to solve the matter for the welfare of the state.

The youths of Manipur are extremely talented and he joined politics to guide and motivate them, not for earning money through contract works and others, he added.

He expressed unhappiness over the general speculation against them on social media and lamented that it was highly disappointing. He clarified that he went to meet some concerned ministry for some developmental projects and for a health checkup, and there is no question of camping against the government.


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manipur governmentmanipur bjpmanipur mlas

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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