
Speaker Th Satyabrata apprises all to enrol for Aadhaar card

The Manipur Speaker urged all to obtain Aadhaar cards to get the benefits of the government schemes.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 20 May 2022, 4:46 pm


Pointing out that Aadhaar card is compulsory to get benefits of the various welfare schemes of the government, Manipur Speaker Th Satyabrata on Friday apprised the people of the state to obtain Aadhaar card.

He was delivering the chief guest speech during the launching ceremony of Aadhaar Enrolment Drive by the Social Welfare department at Wangkhei community hall, Durga Puja Lampak, Imphal East. The drive was conducted for children between six months and six years old.


The Speaker recalled an incident that happened a few years back wherein the numbers of ration card holders were reduced to only eight lakh from a total of 24 lakh after their names had been struck off for not acquiring Aadhaar card and other documents.

“Learning from past mistakes, let us all obtain Aadhaar cards to get the benefits of the government schemes,” he added. 

Social Welfare Minister H Dingo said that his department has been given various beneficiary schemes for all stages of life, starting from the conception stage of a child for the well-being of the society.


Stressing the role of the ASHA and Anganwadi workers in delivering the schemes mostly related to children, the minister lauded the ASHA and Anganwadi workers for their immense contribution towards making a healthy society. 

Director of Social Welfare Ng Uttam who attended as guest of honour informed that the Aadhaar enrolment drive will be conducted in different locations of the state.


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Aadhaar cardAadhaar Enrolment Drive

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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