
Narco-terrorism, geopolitics highlighted at Geneva: Khuraijam Athouba

Working president of International Peace and Social Advancement (IPSA) Khuraijam Athouba said that he addressed the UNHRC drawing attention to both human rights abuses and the plight of the Manipur diaspora.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 22 Jul 2024, 2:42 am

(File Photo: IFP)
(File Photo: IFP)

In the 56th session of United Nations Human Rights Councils (UNHRC) conducted at Geneva, Khuraijam Athouba, working president of International Peace and Social Advancement (IPSA) and also spokesperson of COCOMI highlighted the narco-terrorism and geopolitical effects occurring in Manipur.

Informing the media on Sunday, Khuraijam Athouba said that he addressed the UNHRC drawing attention to both human rights abuses and the plight of the Manipur diaspora.

He informed that he criticised the failure of the Indian government while addressing the ethnic discrimination, narco-terrorism, cross border immigration problems, demographic imbalance being faced in Manipur.


He expressed his condemnation to the UNHRC regarding foreign mercenaries by the Indian government in its proxy conflict with revolutionary groups, which he believes has intensified the crisis.

He also put up a broader issue of geopolitical concerns affecting Manipur, such as armed movement, counter insurgency operations, illegal immigration and narco-terrorism linked to the Golden Triangle region.

Athouba also reported on efforts coordinated with Geneva-based officials and the submission of complaints to various international bodies.

Regarding the misinformation about Manipur on social media by Uday S Reddy, a professor at Birmingham University, a complaint was also put up for spreading false information through his handle Kautilya 33 in X.


Athouba informed that he has submitted to both Birmingham police and University authorities.

He also expressed concerns about the slow pace of justice, noting that there has been no significant progress in hearing related issues in Manipur despite a charge sheet submitted at the Chief Judicial Magistrate office.

It should also be mentioned that Thiseas Poullo (European Union) and Irene Khan (UN special rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression) have been briefed on ongoing issues in Manipur.


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Khuraijam Athoubamanipur violencenarco terrorismunhrc

IFP Bureau

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