
Manipur needs proper healthcare system: Health Minister Sapam Ranjan

Manipur Health Minister Sapam Ranjan inaugurated the Epidemiology training programme for frontline health professionals in Manipur at Chingmeirong, Imphal.

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 17 Jan 2023, 5:56 pm


Manipur needs a proper healthcare system, state Health Minister Sapam Ranjan said during the inauguration of the Frontline Epidemiology Training programme for frontline health professionals in Manipur.

The programme, organised by the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme, NHM, Manipur, was heald at Classic Grande, Chingmeirong, Imphal on Tuesday.


The third contact session of the programme is being provided by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in partnership with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organisation India office.

During the inaugural programme, the health minister said Manipur is changing for the better, but "We need to have a proper healthcare system in Manipur”.

Director of Health Services, Khoirom Sasheekumar Mangang, said that in the year 1972 the first medical college was set up in Manipur and speciality of modern treatment came in Manipur in the last 50 years. Today, the state has 700 registered medical practitioners, inclduing 400 health specialists.


The director said that despite modernisation, the state is still facing a generic problem, not because of less public awareness but because of wrong early diagnosis. Same problem is visible in communicable diseases when the reports are given late to the health department, he said and hoped that the training will help solve such issues. 

The inaugural programme was attended by director general of health service, Government of India, Atul Goel and State Mission (NHM) director, Somorjit Ningombam.


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sapam Ranjanepidemiologyfrontline public health

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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