
Meiteis in Thailand reach out to violence-hit villagers

"In this time of conflict and turmoil, we are standing by our people who have been affected by the devastation and offering help."

ByIFP Bureau

Updated 11 Jul 2023, 5:02 pm

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The Meitei community in Thailand has provided financial assistance to the villagers of Kadangband village near Singda Dam, Imphal West on Monday.


In a release issued by the Meitei community in Thailand, the community mentioned that the human experience is intricately woven with the tapestry of our ancestral history.

“Our identity is shaped by our roots providing a sense of belonging and grounding us in a shared heritage. When we leave our homeland, whether by choice, or a circumstance, we carry this connection within us like an invisible cord that binds us to our origins,” they stated.

“Despite being physically separated, we Meitei diaspora community living in Thailand always have empathy and a patriotic feeling for our homeland.


"In this time of conflict and turmoil, we are standing by our people who have been affected by the devastation and offering help. We have witnessed that our people have been enduring more than 2 months of escalating violence, trauma, destruction and displacement.

“Our helping hand is not just a monetary or material contribution. It is a symbol of compassion, empathy and solidarity. We are here to provide the emotional support needed to heal the wounds and will continue to stand with them until the day when love and peace reign supreme. Together, we can create a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond our community,” they said.


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meiteikukimanipur violencemeiteis in Thailand

IFP Bureau

IFP Bureau

IMPHAL, Manipur


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